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This series, a more contemporary (and whimsical) dive into representational painting, explores images taken from legends, myths, and my dreams. Legends, myths, and dreams are usually colorful, symbolic, and often fun. Exploring these themes gives me permission to put colors, symbols, and subject matter together in fun and unusual ways. I hope you join me as I explore this more colorful and energetic treatment of both animals and the human figure.

And the Jackalope Jumped...

And the Jackalope Jumped...

"And the Jackalope Jumped over the Moon" Oil on linen, 20"x30" Life (and art) isn't meant to be all seriousness and austerity. Sometimes you just need a little Jackalope in your life.... This Jackalope is a bit more ambitious than most, these are Jupiter's moons Ganymede and Europa. Also available as a print. See my "Prints" page for more details.

Song of the South

Song of the South

Oil on Linen 30"x40" (Available) The colors and landscape of the American Southwest inspired this painting. We spot three deer watching us during a beautiful desert sunset. The song of the south is full of birds calling from the brush, wind breezing over the desert, and crickets chirping their love songs at night.

Song of the East

Song of the East

Oil on Canvas 29"x36" This painting birthed itself in a very powerful dream in which I saw a pair of giant wolves howling at the rising sun.

Messenger of Light

Messenger of Light

Oil on Panel 24"x24" This piece is my take on the very ancient First Nations story of Raven, stealing the sun back for The People, signaling the end of winter's darkness and the beginning of spring. Also available as a print. See my "Prints" page for more details.

I'm All Ears

I'm All Ears

Oil on Panel 14"x14" (Available) One of the most comical-looking of animals, the jackrabbit is nothing if not a survivor. Those big ears help it hear everything in the world around it. The turquoise blue symbolizes the wide open skies of the southern and western parts of North America.

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