Are you looking for the complete package? Do you want to learn how to develop your own creative style, gain a better handling of your medium, and learn proven art business techniques that will help your career take off?
Nancy offers an individualized program, taught via distance-learning.
How is this structured?
For students in the Denver area (temporarily suspended):
Meet every other week (TBD) for three hours of lecture, instruction, Q&A, and/or demos
Each session also includes a critique of the prior assignment
Receive an assignment at the end of each session, and work on that over the next 2 weeks
Ask questions via email or phone (some limitations apply)
Meet online every other week (TBD) for 1.5 hours of lecture, instruction, Q&A, and/or demos
Two critiques of your assignments, per month, sent to your email. Critiques may include video
Each online meeting also includes a critique of the prior assignment
Receive an assignment at the end of each online meeting, and work on that over the next 2 weeks
Ask questions via email or phone (some limitations apply)
Topics covered include:
Developing your unique style
Subject matter
Writing skills
Working with galleries
Cost is $350/month.
Please call Nancy at (720) 295-2060 to arrange for your mentorship.