Call for Models
Are you a rider, ranch hand, own or work on a farm/ranch, breed horses, rodeo cowboy, or are involved in equestrian events (including rodeo)?
I'm looking for cowboys and equestrians in the western USA and Canada who are involved with horses, and who would like to model for me with their horses. Interested in working with folks involved in Western Dressage, Reigning, Trainers, Racing, Cutting, Rodeo, etc.
What would this involve? Basically, I'd want you to do your thing (ride, rope, work on your ranch, etc.) while I shadow you and take photos to use in paintings. The photo shoot, and my paintings, are "clean" meaning that I do not paint nudes or implied nudes. I simply want to depict horsemen and women interacting with their horses. Please call me at (720) 295-2060 or email me for more details.
A photo shoot would typically last around 3-4 hours, although this is negotiable. You will be asked to sign a model release.
I would love to work with kids under 18 years of age, providing you have a written/signed note of permission from your parent or legal guardian, and at least one of your parents MUST be present during the entire photo shoot. You and your parent would both need to sign off on the model release.
Adults, feel free to have a chaperone present during the photo shoot. Note that I may have an assistant with me as well.
I can provide references on request.
Payment could be ONE of these (your choice):
A small, unframed oil painting of mine (your choice of subject matter). Size would be proportional to the amount of time for the photo shoot. Minimum would be 11in x 14in, although my preference would be to paint a little larger.
A professional portfolio of digital photos of you, your horse, and/or your ranch.
A cash payment based on the number of hours worked.
If you are interested, please call me at (720) 295-2060 or email me via my Contact Page.